Santa Ana and the Kyoto Protocol

In the winter 2012 issue of Santa Ana Green, a quarterly newsletter of the City of Santa Ana, the article “City of Santa Ana Moves Forward with Climate Action Plan” made the front page. The article proudly informs us that at the November 7, 2011 City Council Meeting, our Council unanimously approved an agreement with International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Local Governments for Sustainability to develop a Baseline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Climate Action Plan. Our Executive Director of Public Works, Raul Godinez II said that Santa Ana has taken a leadership role by being part of the Kyoto Protocol. You all remember the Kyoto Protocol that came from the 2007 United Nations Earth Conference that attempted to hamstring the United States and other developed industrial nations while allowing nations such as China and India to continue their development virtually unfettered.


This is such a terrible plan that even our liberal congress rejected it. Unfortunately the money behind the green movement has been successful in going around our federal government and striking deals with our state and local governments. In 2007, Santa Ana’s Mayor Miguel Pulido signed the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, which urges federal and state governments to enact policies and programs to meet the Kyoto Protocol target of a 7% reduction in emissions to below 1990 levels.


One of the first steps to the plan that our City Council agreed to is to identify and account for the sources of emission in Santa Ana from government buildings and facilities, as well as community wide. The plan is to identify and measure emissions from electricity, natural gas, water, waste and transportation. The City then plans to “Target improvements.” Of course this will be at the owner’s expense. In other words reduce your emissions or be fined or run out of Santa Ana. This Community Action Plan (CAP) claims it will produce positive benefits for the community such as improved air quality, reduced energy bills and traffic congestion. In fact our Council is studying ways and implementing the construction of more apartments in already congested areas near downtown without expanding our streets  and parking, with the intent to pressure people out of their cars and into mass transit (our Mayor also serves on the Orange County Transit Authority). The City also supports “smart meters” that measure electronic emissions an allow remote shut downs if you exceed what the government determines to be a “fair amount”. If you go online to the United Nations website and read the Kyoto Protocol and Agenda 21 you will see just how invasive the “green movement” is upon our individual liberties.


Our City Council (including the RINO that claims to be a business friendly Republican – Carlos Bustamante) has committed $55,855 to participate in this CAP. That may not sound like much to government. But when our City has mismanaged money so badly that we have been forced to surrender our 128 year old Fire Department to the County Fire Authority, and has cut the number of Code Enforcement officers and incurred $25 million dollars in deficits, the $55,855 seems huge.


The only “green” our City needs to be pursuing today is the color of money. We need to bring businesses back into Santa Ana by NOT CAPPING their ability to produce revenue for our hometown.


Your fellow Patriot,

Charles Hart

Obama’s West Point speech on Afghanistan

Last night, President Obama spoke from the hallowed halls of West Point; the place where General Douglas MacArthur spoke eloquently of Duty, Honor, and Country; in a hall named after the great American General and President, Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Both MacArthur and Eisenhower faithfully served the United States driven by the fact that there is no substitute for victory. Unfortunately, President Obama does not share that same drive. Not once in tonight’s speech did the word victory cross the President’s lips; Generals MacArthur and Eisenhower were each leaders that gathered face to face with the men they would lead into battle, and spoke of nothing but victory.

President Obama told young, future soldiers that he was not going to provide the requested minimum number of soldiers requested by General McChrystal to win the war in Afghanistan, and that we would start withdrawing in 18 months.

Let’s get this straight. President Obama is going to commit thirty-thousand troops into harms way when General McChrystal has already made the case that at least forty-thousand troops would be necessary for any hope of victory. This means that thirty-thousand young men and women will be going into battle with a less-than-likely chance of victory.

We also learned that in 18 months we would start withdrawing; no mention given as to what we would do if the situation was worse in 18 months. This implies that we will be withdrawing regardless of victory or defeat.

Like Nixon, Obama tried to sell his strategy by telling us that we would be handing off the responsibility of securing Afghanistan to the Afghanistan government; I was waiting for Obama to utter the words “peace with honor”; the same loosing rhetoric used as we withdrew from Vietnam with our tails between our legs.

Generals MacArthur and Eisenhower would tell President Obama that victory cannot be achieved by telling the enemy when you plan to withdraw from the battlefield.

President Obama does not, and has not supported our military since he was in the Senate and voted against the troop surge in Iraq, which proved to be successful. As President, Obama continues to not support our military I am reminded of the words my grandfather (a decorated World War II veteran) spoke regarding the Vietnam War; he said: “if we are not going to let our boys fight to win, then stop sending them to their graves in vain.” Those words apply to Afghanistan today. If Obama does not have the will, or the drive to win this war, then he should bring home our troops and stop sending them to their graves in vain.

Let me make this clear, I am not saying we should give up the war on Islamic extremists, and let them have Afghanistan; to do so will send the wrong message to the Islamic terrorists. We need to let our troops engage the enemy with the intent of victory; nothing less. Do not tie one arm behind our soldiers back and ask them to fight nicely with the enemy. This is war, and as General Sherman said: “War is all hell.” We need to make Afghanistan hell for the terrorists.

The American people must stand up for our soldiers by flooding our congressmen and senators with our disgust over our president’s weakness. For those congressmen and senators that will not listen, we need to vote them out of office next November and replace them with men and women that will listen, and pressure President Obama to stand up, not bow down, as our nation’s leader.

California’s 10% Tax Increase – A tax by any other name is still a tax.

On July 28th of this year the California State Legislature passed Assembly Bill 17, by a majority vote, that required California employers, as of November 1st, to start withholding 10 percent more in state income taxes as an effort to relieve the state’s budget problems; Governor Schwarzenegger readily signed the bill into state law.

It’s part of a plan to accelerate tax collections so the state gets the money sooner. It is expected to artificially inflate state revenues by $1.7 billion through next June.

California state law requires a two-thirds vote in the state legislature to raise taxes.  But wait-a-minute, this law was only passed by a majority vote. How can the state legislature get away with raising our taxes without the required two-thirds vote?

Brenda Voet, a spokeswoman for the state Franchise Tax Board, says it’s technically not a tax increase since wage earners will get their money back after April 15 when the state deducts any extra amount withheld from your paychecks.

Nevertheless, the effect will still feel like a tax because the state will in fact be withholding more out of each of our paychecks each pay period. This means you will need to adjust what you spend with each paycheck. Even though we allegedly will get the money back come April 15th, the state still can, and more than likely will, take our money again with the start of the next fiscal year.

The best way to describe this law is in effect, a forced, perpetual interest-free loan to the legislature in an effort to undue the economic mess it has gotten us into.

A rose by any other name is still a rose; and a tax by any other name is still a tax.  Unfortunately, taxes offer no sweet smell for us to enjoy; only the sharp thorns that bleed hard working Californians dry, and drives employers out of the state.

This law needs to be challenged in the courts; it is an absurd attempt to circumvent the law and will of the people.  A wise court should view this as a law that exceeds the legislature’s authority because it is by effect a tax, and was not passed into law by a two-thirds vote. Anything increasing what the state takes from your earned pay should at the very least, pass the two-thirds water mark that we the people have set. 

The increased withholding comes on top of a 0.25 percent state income tax increase and a reduction in the dependent credit, also enacted as part of the state budget.

According to the Tax Foundation, California has the third worst business tax environment. California is also the third highest in personal income taxes.

If liberal ideology were true, this tax environment would place California as about the third most prosperous state.  California’s expected budget deficit is expected to exceed $28 billion by the end of this fiscal year.

Withholding 10% more than it already does is not going to solve California’s $28 billion deficit.  The solution is in cutting the obscene corporate and personal taxes that keep businesses out of California and those of us that actually work and pays taxes from spending in the consumer market place.

The reduction in corporate taxes will draw business back into California and allow them to hire more Californians. The reduction in personal taxes will stimulate more consumer spending.  The combination of increased businesses and increased employees spending money will increase revenue collected by the state. 

 Wake up California; we have the potential to actually be the golden state.

20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall

This week, President Obama declined German Chancellor, Angela Merkel’s invitation to attend the 20th anniversary celebration of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the day that communism fell in East Germany. Obama claimed that he is “too busy”.

 Too busy to celebrate one of the greatest 20th century events? Too busy to give honor to the other American Presidents who fought for the liberty of those entrapped in East Berlin; starting with the Berlin Airlift bravely ordered by President Truman, to the “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech of President Kennedy, finally to the boldness of President Reagan’s “Tear down this wall…” speech. But President Obama is not too busy to go to Denmark to solicit the Olympic Games for Chicago?  Or to take time out for a ceremony, back in September, celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China with the raising of the Communist Chinese flag across from the White House?

 I propose that Obama is not too busy, but that he does not celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism in East Germany.  Barack probably mourns the fall of the Berlin Wall. Besides celebrating the founding of communism in China, Obama also attended church for 20 years where the outspoken Reverend Wright preached profanities against America and preached praises of communist leaders like Fidel Castro. Several of Obama’s staff have also been outspoken with their praise of communist ideology and its’ leaders. President Obama’s policies have also been those that can easily be compared to communism with strong left leanings of increased central government control that constricts the choices and liberties of Americans.

 All is not lost; this past Tuesday, Virginia and New Jersey’s people spoke out and elected conservative leaders promising less government as an answer to the Obama/liberal big government agenda.  The American people must continue the fight and be heard again next November by taking back the House and Senate from the liberals, thus keeping the Obama administration in check from further implementation of its crippling policies.

Ford Motor Company’s $1 Billion Profit

November 2, 2009 – Ford Motor Company, the only American automobile manufacturer that did not accept government entrapment money or file bankruptcy declared a $1 billion 3rd quarter profit and is forecasting profits through 2011. 

 Ford Motor Company’s profit is yet another example of what happens to companies that fall under government regulation and/or management.  When GM and Chrysler accepted the government bailout money they subjected themselves to the Obama administration’s management style, a style that has repeatedly echoed communist philosophies and praised communist leaders.  As is the case with everything else, politicians, especially those who have made a career out of being community organizers do not know how to manage companies that are driven by profit. 

 Despite what the Obama administration will tell you, making a profit is a good thing.  It is the profits of companies like Ford Motor Company that keep people employed and able to buy houses and other products and services that keeps our economy functioning.  GM and Chrysler, under the misdirection of the Obama administration are now another bad idea that you and I as taxpayers are paying for.

Ronald Reagan: “A Time For Choosing” 45 Years Later Still Needed Today

Forty-five years ago this past Tuesday, on October 27, 1964 Ronald Reagan gave the speech that was heard around the world, propelling him into the hearts and minds of conservatives with hope for their rendezvous with destiny.  Everybody, conservative and liberal alike, needs to listen to this speech that I have linked to below.  Although some of names and numbers have changed in the last forty-five years the theme to Reagan’s message is still as relevant and even more important today than it was in 1964, as we face the challenge of centralized government oppression and members of Obama’s administration praising communism.  Please listen to this speech and share it with as many people as you can.

Full transcript: Dick Cheney’s speech to the American Enterprise Institute

Apparently I’m not the only one who believes President Obama is dragging his feet in Afghanastan.  Click on the link to the transcript of Cheney’s speech today for the American Enterprise Institute. Full transcript: Dick Cheney\’s speech to the American Enterprise Institute

Mao Tse Tung, One of Anita Dunn’s Favorite Leaders

On June 5th of this year, White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn claimed that Mother Theresa and Mao Tse Tung where her two favorite political philosophers. 

While Dunn used Mao Tse Tung and Mother Theresa as prime examples of people who were successful in beating the odds against them; it is disturbing that a person with influence in our White House prescribes to political philosophy from a Communist Leader that is responsible for the deaths of 70 million men, women, and children during the course of his take-over and despotic rule over China. 

 70 million people, that is more than Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are each responsible for murdering. Hitler and Stalin also overcame political odds by murdering those who opposed their political philosophy in gaining their authority.  Does Anita Dunn also admire them for their ability to overcome odds?

Our President, dragging his feet.

President Obama has had the troop figures for Afghanistan for more than a week now; after having met with General McChrystal for 35 minutes. 35 minutes to meet with the Commander of American Forces in Afghanistan, the man who has the best first-hand knowledge about what is going on in Afghanistan; that is less time than Obama spent trying to solicit the Olympics to come to Chicago. 

As President, Barack Obama is the Commander in Chief over our armed forces.  Successful commanders spend extensive amounts of time studying the enemy and the arena in which they will fight long before the battle begins, and then they act decisively.  General McChrystal has spent that kind of time in Afghanistan, and made a decisive request to Obama for an additional forty-thousand troops.

In contrast to the 35 minutes spent with General McChrystal, President Obama is now seeking the counsel of people like Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden; each of whom have no military experience and are driven by political motives. Meanwhile, Soldiers and Marines are being killed trying to hold the frontline against al Qaeda and the Taliban that are now escalating their attacks while Obama is saying it will take weeks before he can make a final decision on General McChrystal’s request.

President Obama should have been spending the weeks he is now using to make up his mind, by counseling with General McChrystal and other generals over the last 9 months as to what strategy to follow in Afghanistan; and much less time on television trying to sell his socialist health care plan and getting the Olympics to be held in Chicago.

An UNSAFE, Safe Schools Czar – Kevin Jennings

The latest news about another of President Obama’s czars is Kevin Jennings, the Safe Schools Czar. For more than a month now, conservative news channels and radio programs have been reporting an event in which Jennings gave counsel to a 15 year old boy to continue in a homosexual relationship with a man that the boy had encountered in a public restroom in Boston; such a relationship would be statutory rape under Massachusetts state law.

The only defense that the left has offered to the story is that the boy was actually 16 and that the relationship the boy had with the man was not statutory rape at the time in Massachusetts (late 1980’s) as alleged by reports.

EXCUSE ME! Would the left only be upset and call for Jennings’ resignation if the boy was 15 and the counsel given resulted in statutory rape?

The fact of the story is that Kevin Jennings encouraged a 15 or 16 year old boy – whether 15 or 16 he was still just a boy – to pursue a sexual relationship with a stranger he met in a public bathroom.

How intelligent is it to appoint a “Safe Schools Czar” that has openly confessed to encouraging an unsafe relationship between a boy student and a strange man???

There are other stories floating out there about other unsavory deeds perpetrated by Jennings; but in this father’s opinion, this story alone is reason to fire Jennings.

“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” – Adolf Hitler

Don’t let Obama and men like Jennings own our youth.