Ford Motor Company’s $1 Billion Profit

November 2, 2009 – Ford Motor Company, the only American automobile manufacturer that did not accept government entrapment money or file bankruptcy declared a $1 billion 3rd quarter profit and is forecasting profits through 2011. 

 Ford Motor Company’s profit is yet another example of what happens to companies that fall under government regulation and/or management.  When GM and Chrysler accepted the government bailout money they subjected themselves to the Obama administration’s management style, a style that has repeatedly echoed communist philosophies and praised communist leaders.  As is the case with everything else, politicians, especially those who have made a career out of being community organizers do not know how to manage companies that are driven by profit. 

 Despite what the Obama administration will tell you, making a profit is a good thing.  It is the profits of companies like Ford Motor Company that keep people employed and able to buy houses and other products and services that keeps our economy functioning.  GM and Chrysler, under the misdirection of the Obama administration are now another bad idea that you and I as taxpayers are paying for.

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